ATLANTA – Let us give thanks — and pass the Purell.
Your family might be sharing more than turkey and pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving. Swine flu may also be on the table — and at crowded airports and shopping malls.
Just as the pandemic seems to be waning around the country, some health officials are worried that holiday gatherings could lead to more infections. So the government has launched a new travel-health campaign.
"It's important to remember the things that everybody can do to stay healthy," said Dr. Beth Bell of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Thanksgiving is typically followed by at least a modest bump in early seasonal flu cases, according to reports from the past few years. But this, of course, is not a typical year. Swine flu is a new virus that accounts for nearly all flu cases right now.
Despite weeks of declining infections, health officials are staying vigilant. The federal government is putting up posters in airports, seaports and border crossings in time for Thanksgiving. The campaign also includes advertisements with slogans such as "Stop, Wash & Go."
The CDC urges people to travel only if they are well, get vaccinated against swine and seasonal flu, wash their hands often, and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve.
Some 33 million Americans are expected to hit the nation's highways over the Thanksgiving holiday, a slight increase from last year. About 2.3 million more will travel by airplane.
The elbow-to-elbow conditions expected on many flights may pose more of an infection threat than a runny-nosed tike at the other end of a Thanksgiving dinner table. One CDC official even suggested asking that a sick passenger be moved to another part of a plane.
But that's not likely to happen on a crowded airliner or bus, and it isn't much of a solution anyway, said a few people waiting at Atlanta's downtown Greyhound station on Tuesday morning.
"That's just putting it next to somebody else," said Judd Nelson, 39, waiting to start a two-day bus trip to Phoenix.
Nelson had not been vaccinated against swine flu, and he did not have any hand sanitizer. He was resigned to his fate if someone with swine flu happens to be aboard his bus.
"The way I look at it is, if I get it, I'm going to get it no matter what," he said.
Swine flu has sickened an estimated 22 million Americans, hospitalized about 98,000 and killed 4,000 since it was first identified last April. It is similar to seasonal flu but poses a much bigger threat to children and young adults.
Usually, seasonal flu is just getting going in late November, and holiday get-togethers allow illness to jump from small pockets to other parts of the country. Swine flu, in contrast, has been widespread for months.
"It's not like we expect to see a bunch of infected people going to uninfected cities and towns," said Andrew Pekosz, a flu expert at Johns Hopkins University.
The swine flu pandemic hit in two waves: first in the spring, then a larger wave that started in the late summer.
For the past three weeks, fewer states have been reporting widespread cases. School closings have dropped to the point that there were none on Monday — the first time that's happened since late August — though there were six on Tuesday, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
But there are still plenty of ill people — as many as during the peak of many regular flu seasons, CDC officials say.
Indeed, disease trackers are quick to say that flu is unpredictable. A variety of things could happen, including a third wave or a mutation that could make the virus more deadly or less susceptible to medicines.
"We really don't know what the trajectory is going to be," said Bell, a CDC epidemiologist who has been a leader in the agency's swine flu response.
Seasonal flu usually emerges at this time of year, but some experts think swine flu will muscle aside the seasonal viruses. That probably will not be known until next month, said Dr. Richard Whitley, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
At New York's Pennsylvania Station, Katie Almroth was waiting to board a train Tuesday with her 11-month-old daughter Anna, who's been vaccinated for seasonal flu but not for swine flu. They were headed to Harrisburg, Pa., to visit relatives for Thanksgiving.
The 33-year-old nurse from Jersey City, N.J., said she was not worried about traveling during the swine flu pandemic, but felt more comfortable on a train than an airplane with her daughter.
"I must admit I did bring little wipes along," said Almroth, showing the antiseptic wipes she had tossed in her bag with small bottles of hand sanitizer.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The 4 Official Tips to Faling Asleep and Staying Asleep All Night Long
Click Here To Read The Article!!!
The Bizarre Truth: The Catastrophic Effects of Over Indulgence of Sugar
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How to Strip of the Extra Blubber Hanging For Stomach, FAST!
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Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer
Your abdomen pains and aches, worrying that it could be a serious cause, you call your doctor. After taking a CT scan, your doctor diagnoses one of the worst possibilities: stomach cancer. How can you avoid getting this certain type of cancer, learn it before it strikes!
Bronchitis: Learn What the Symptoms For this Mordascious Killer Are
Friday, January 2, 2009
Building Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a personality ingredient that one has to have and if possible in great amounts. That is not to say that a person needs to be extremely sure of oneself to the point of arrogance; they just need enough amounts to be able to withstand the pressures of life and lead a contented existence.
It wouldn’t make much difference if self-esteem can be measured.
This is because there is really no specific amount of self-esteem that one can be prescribed with. Different persons need different amounts of self-esteem the same way that different dynamics or aspects of one person’s life require different doses of self-esteem. There is really no specific amount. In fact, different situations also demand different amounts of self-esteem.
Whatever the amounts that you need, there is no argument that one needs self-esteem. It is basically developed during the growing up years in the way we are treated by our parents and the people around us. Parental treatment and social group interaction play major roles in the development of self-esteem. But that is not to say that self-esteem will be a permanent fixture come adulthood. It can still be developed and enhanced, no matter what the age is.
Below are some tips in how to develop the self-esteem, techniques that can work across all ages. Read on and you might get a thing or two that you can apply in your own life or with other people.
There is a difference between self-love and narcissism. Although it is not recommended to become obsessed with one’s positive qualities, it is not wrong to once in a while acknowledge our achievements and talents. Self-affirmation is a great way to increase our self-esteem levels. Telling yourself that you are great in front of the mirror every morning may seem too much but it actually works in increasing one’s self-confidence.
Of course, you don’t have to take self-affirmation to the extreme if you don’t want to. Sometimes acknowledging the little achievements that you have done at the end of the day is enough to raise the rate of self-esteem.
Doing the things that you love
There is no aphrodisiac that would make you love yourself more than doing the things that you love. When you love what you are doing, you become happier and more enthusiastic. You will also become more interested in developing your skills, thereby improving yourself and allowing you to trust yourself more. Besides, if you are happy with what you are doing, you are more confident with your decisions and your actions.
Voicing out
There is something quite liberating with voicing out your own opinions and speaking your mind. Although there are some people who would try to put you down and argue with what you believe in; there are still people who will respect you for your thoughts. Acknowledging your thoughts and becoming comfortable with your thoughts will allow you to slowly trust yourself; thus increasing your self-esteem.
Accepting that you are not perfect
There is no perfect person in the world. Often, people develop low self esteem because they try so much to become perfect; but one thing that they have to learn is that they cannot become one because there is no perfect person. All they can be is the best that they can be.
It wouldn’t make much difference if self-esteem can be measured.
This is because there is really no specific amount of self-esteem that one can be prescribed with. Different persons need different amounts of self-esteem the same way that different dynamics or aspects of one person’s life require different doses of self-esteem. There is really no specific amount. In fact, different situations also demand different amounts of self-esteem.
Whatever the amounts that you need, there is no argument that one needs self-esteem. It is basically developed during the growing up years in the way we are treated by our parents and the people around us. Parental treatment and social group interaction play major roles in the development of self-esteem. But that is not to say that self-esteem will be a permanent fixture come adulthood. It can still be developed and enhanced, no matter what the age is.
Below are some tips in how to develop the self-esteem, techniques that can work across all ages. Read on and you might get a thing or two that you can apply in your own life or with other people.
There is a difference between self-love and narcissism. Although it is not recommended to become obsessed with one’s positive qualities, it is not wrong to once in a while acknowledge our achievements and talents. Self-affirmation is a great way to increase our self-esteem levels. Telling yourself that you are great in front of the mirror every morning may seem too much but it actually works in increasing one’s self-confidence.
Of course, you don’t have to take self-affirmation to the extreme if you don’t want to. Sometimes acknowledging the little achievements that you have done at the end of the day is enough to raise the rate of self-esteem.
Doing the things that you love
There is no aphrodisiac that would make you love yourself more than doing the things that you love. When you love what you are doing, you become happier and more enthusiastic. You will also become more interested in developing your skills, thereby improving yourself and allowing you to trust yourself more. Besides, if you are happy with what you are doing, you are more confident with your decisions and your actions.
Voicing out
There is something quite liberating with voicing out your own opinions and speaking your mind. Although there are some people who would try to put you down and argue with what you believe in; there are still people who will respect you for your thoughts. Acknowledging your thoughts and becoming comfortable with your thoughts will allow you to slowly trust yourself; thus increasing your self-esteem.
Accepting that you are not perfect
There is no perfect person in the world. Often, people develop low self esteem because they try so much to become perfect; but one thing that they have to learn is that they cannot become one because there is no perfect person. All they can be is the best that they can be.
Cancer Preventive Measures
A new article in the December issue of The Quarterly Review of Biology provides strongevidence that allergies are much more than just an annoying immune malfunction. They may protect against certain types of cancer.
The article, by researchers Paul Sherman, Erica Holland and Janet Shellman Sherman from Cornell University, suggests that allergy symptoms may protect against cancer by expelling foreign particles, some of which may be carcinogenic or carry absorbed carcinogens, from the organs most likely to come in with contact them. In addition, allergies may serve as early warning devices that let people know when there are substances in the air that should be avoided.
Medical researchers have long suspected an association between allergies and cancer, but extensive study on the subject has yielded mixed, and often contradictory, results. Many studies have found inverse associations between the two, meaning cancer patients tended to have fewer allergies in their medical history. Other studies have found positive associations, and still others found no association at all.
In an attempt to explain these contradictions, the Cornell team reexamined nearly 650 previous studies from the past five decades. They found that inverse allergy-cancer associations are far more common with cancers of organ systems that come in direct contact with matter from the external environment - the mouth and throat, colon and rectum, skin, cervix, pancreas and glial brain cells. Likewise, only allergies associated with tissues that are directly exposed to environmental assaults - eczema, hives, hay fever and animal and food allergies - had inverse relationships to cancers.
Such inverse associations were found to be far less likely for cancers of more isolated tissues like the breast, meningeal brain cells and prostate, as well as for myeloma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and myelocytic leukemia.
The relationship between asthma and lung cancer, however, is a special case. A majority of the studies that the Cornell team examined found that asthma correlates to higher rates of lung cancer. Essentially, asthma obstructs clearance of pulmonary mucous, blocking any potentially prophylactic benefit of allergic expulsion, they explain. By contrast, allergies that affect the lungs other than asthma seem to retain the protective effect.
So if allergies are part of the bodys defense against foreign particle invaders, is it wise to turn them off with antihistamines and other suppressants? The Cornell team says that studies specifically designed to answer this question are needed.
We hope that our analyses and arguments will encourage such cost/benefit analyses, they write. More importantly, we hope that our work will stimulate reconsideration?of the current prevailing view ? that allergies are merely disorders of the immune system which, therefore, can be suppressed with impunity.
The article, by researchers Paul Sherman, Erica Holland and Janet Shellman Sherman from Cornell University, suggests that allergy symptoms may protect against cancer by expelling foreign particles, some of which may be carcinogenic or carry absorbed carcinogens, from the organs most likely to come in with contact them. In addition, allergies may serve as early warning devices that let people know when there are substances in the air that should be avoided.
Medical researchers have long suspected an association between allergies and cancer, but extensive study on the subject has yielded mixed, and often contradictory, results. Many studies have found inverse associations between the two, meaning cancer patients tended to have fewer allergies in their medical history. Other studies have found positive associations, and still others found no association at all.
In an attempt to explain these contradictions, the Cornell team reexamined nearly 650 previous studies from the past five decades. They found that inverse allergy-cancer associations are far more common with cancers of organ systems that come in direct contact with matter from the external environment - the mouth and throat, colon and rectum, skin, cervix, pancreas and glial brain cells. Likewise, only allergies associated with tissues that are directly exposed to environmental assaults - eczema, hives, hay fever and animal and food allergies - had inverse relationships to cancers.
Such inverse associations were found to be far less likely for cancers of more isolated tissues like the breast, meningeal brain cells and prostate, as well as for myeloma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and myelocytic leukemia.
The relationship between asthma and lung cancer, however, is a special case. A majority of the studies that the Cornell team examined found that asthma correlates to higher rates of lung cancer. Essentially, asthma obstructs clearance of pulmonary mucous, blocking any potentially prophylactic benefit of allergic expulsion, they explain. By contrast, allergies that affect the lungs other than asthma seem to retain the protective effect.
So if allergies are part of the bodys defense against foreign particle invaders, is it wise to turn them off with antihistamines and other suppressants? The Cornell team says that studies specifically designed to answer this question are needed.
We hope that our analyses and arguments will encourage such cost/benefit analyses, they write. More importantly, we hope that our work will stimulate reconsideration?of the current prevailing view ? that allergies are merely disorders of the immune system which, therefore, can be suppressed with impunity.
Bad Breath: What to do
You walk up to your colleague to talk to him about an important issue at work. As soon as he starts talking, you have to turn your head away due to the stench coming from his mouth.
Bad breath is an embarrassing problem not just for the person suffering from it but also for the one who has to bear it. Often people find it difficult to bring it up to the person's notice. So, if someone complained to you about your breath, you probably have bad breath.
Bad breath can create problems not just at the office level, but also at a personal level. Most men and women agree that bad breath is the biggest turn off in a relationship. It can be quite damaging to self-esteem especially to children who might be made fun of. A person can be made fun of at work, not just behind his back but also a few casual remarks in front which can be quite hurting. A person might become conscious about his bad breath when speaking to others not enabling him to be at ease.
It is estimated that 25% of the entire population suffers from some degree of chronic bad breath. One third of the people consulting with their dentist voice bad breath issues.
So, how to determine if you have bad breath?
There are quite a few ways to determine if you have bad breath apart from trying to smell your own breath:
1. Take a piece of clean cloth and rub it on your teeth. Wait for a few seconds and smell it.
2. Lick and the back of your hand and smell it after it dries.
3. Try passing dental floss between your back teeth and smell it.
So, now that you know you have a chronic breath problem, don't expect to get rid of it by popping some chewing gums or using a mouth wash. These will only mask your bad breath but not treat it.
The first step in treating bad breath is to identify its cause. There are plenty of causes of bad breath and a majority of the causes are local in origin. Note that there are a few extra oral sources of bad breath too such as respiratory tract and sinus infections. Other causes might be associated with lifestyle like smoking (smokers breath) and severe dieting which causes fruity odor due to Ketoacidosis. The most common cause tends to be poor oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene lets bacteria breed in the mouth uninhibited and they produce foul smell by acting on organic substances in the mouth.
An important aspect that needs to be mentioned here is Halitophobia or delusional Halitosis. Quite a few people seem to be so concerned with their breath that they imagine they are suffering from bad breath.
They are not satisfied even after trying gums and mouthwashes and end up at the dentist addressing an issue which does not exist.
Bad breath isn’t a hard problem to take care of. It can be well controlled by proper oral hygiene.
In case of persistent bad breath due to no apparent reason, it’s always best to consult your dentist.
Bad breath is an embarrassing problem not just for the person suffering from it but also for the one who has to bear it. Often people find it difficult to bring it up to the person's notice. So, if someone complained to you about your breath, you probably have bad breath.
Bad breath can create problems not just at the office level, but also at a personal level. Most men and women agree that bad breath is the biggest turn off in a relationship. It can be quite damaging to self-esteem especially to children who might be made fun of. A person can be made fun of at work, not just behind his back but also a few casual remarks in front which can be quite hurting. A person might become conscious about his bad breath when speaking to others not enabling him to be at ease.
It is estimated that 25% of the entire population suffers from some degree of chronic bad breath. One third of the people consulting with their dentist voice bad breath issues.
So, how to determine if you have bad breath?
There are quite a few ways to determine if you have bad breath apart from trying to smell your own breath:
1. Take a piece of clean cloth and rub it on your teeth. Wait for a few seconds and smell it.
2. Lick and the back of your hand and smell it after it dries.
3. Try passing dental floss between your back teeth and smell it.
So, now that you know you have a chronic breath problem, don't expect to get rid of it by popping some chewing gums or using a mouth wash. These will only mask your bad breath but not treat it.
The first step in treating bad breath is to identify its cause. There are plenty of causes of bad breath and a majority of the causes are local in origin. Note that there are a few extra oral sources of bad breath too such as respiratory tract and sinus infections. Other causes might be associated with lifestyle like smoking (smokers breath) and severe dieting which causes fruity odor due to Ketoacidosis. The most common cause tends to be poor oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene lets bacteria breed in the mouth uninhibited and they produce foul smell by acting on organic substances in the mouth.
An important aspect that needs to be mentioned here is Halitophobia or delusional Halitosis. Quite a few people seem to be so concerned with their breath that they imagine they are suffering from bad breath.
They are not satisfied even after trying gums and mouthwashes and end up at the dentist addressing an issue which does not exist.
Bad breath isn’t a hard problem to take care of. It can be well controlled by proper oral hygiene.
In case of persistent bad breath due to no apparent reason, it’s always best to consult your dentist.
Insomnia: The causes
Insomnia in its most disabling form - meaning several consecutive sleepless nights - affects 10-15% of Americans. This problem has been a boon for the sleep aid industry - millions are taking medications for insomnia, and the number is increasing all the time. In the past five years there has been a 100% increase in use of sleeping pills. Higher rates of insomnia are seen in older people and women. Usage of sleeping pills in the elderly is even more worrisome than in younger people. Between 5-33% of individuals over the age of 60 are prescribed a sleeping pill in the form of a z drug or a benzodiazepine.
Primary insomnia is the most common cause of insomnia, and unrelated to any other disorder or illness. Patients with primary insomnia are anxious and restless in bed, and feel pressure to go to sleep. They develop negative attitudes and expectations about their ability to go to sleep and may sleep better away from bed (e.g., in a comfortable chair or sofa watching TV or listening to music). There are multiple other common potential causes of insomnia, including:
• Poor sleep habits (doctors call it "sleep hygiene") including staying up too late or getting up too early, eating and drinking late at night, illness, or over-stimulating ourselves with work, worry, stress or late night TV watching.
• Sedentary lifestyle (people who exercise regularly, but not late at night, sleep better and more deeply than those who don't)
• Pain
• Medical conditions such as cancer, AIDS, lung disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and degenerative brain disease.
• Medications (including bronchodilators, caffeine, theophylline, and stimulants such as Ritalin, amphetamine, steroids, antihypertensive drugs, and antidepressants)
• Snoring or restless bed partner
• Stress and anxiety
• Excessive alcohol or drug use
• Sleep apnea, often seen in overweight individuals, where the airways become obstructed causing the individual to wake up frequently. Sleep apnea can be accurately diagnosed and treated by a doctor using something called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This is a machine that delivers air into your airways through a mask that you wear at night.
• Shift work
Insomnia can lead to a host of other problems. For instance, about 40% of people with insomnia also suffer from anxiety or depression. It is difficult to say whether the insomnia or the mental disorder comes first. Trouble falling and staying asleep can also affect memory and cognition, as well as decreased productivity and decreased quality of life. Recent studies have shown that insomnia has an important effect on promoting a variety of poor physical health outcomes including a link between being overweight and lack of sleep.
Primary insomnia is the most common cause of insomnia, and unrelated to any other disorder or illness. Patients with primary insomnia are anxious and restless in bed, and feel pressure to go to sleep. They develop negative attitudes and expectations about their ability to go to sleep and may sleep better away from bed (e.g., in a comfortable chair or sofa watching TV or listening to music). There are multiple other common potential causes of insomnia, including:
• Poor sleep habits (doctors call it "sleep hygiene") including staying up too late or getting up too early, eating and drinking late at night, illness, or over-stimulating ourselves with work, worry, stress or late night TV watching.
• Sedentary lifestyle (people who exercise regularly, but not late at night, sleep better and more deeply than those who don't)
• Pain
• Medical conditions such as cancer, AIDS, lung disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and degenerative brain disease.
• Medications (including bronchodilators, caffeine, theophylline, and stimulants such as Ritalin, amphetamine, steroids, antihypertensive drugs, and antidepressants)
• Snoring or restless bed partner
• Stress and anxiety
• Excessive alcohol or drug use
• Sleep apnea, often seen in overweight individuals, where the airways become obstructed causing the individual to wake up frequently. Sleep apnea can be accurately diagnosed and treated by a doctor using something called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP). This is a machine that delivers air into your airways through a mask that you wear at night.
• Shift work
Insomnia can lead to a host of other problems. For instance, about 40% of people with insomnia also suffer from anxiety or depression. It is difficult to say whether the insomnia or the mental disorder comes first. Trouble falling and staying asleep can also affect memory and cognition, as well as decreased productivity and decreased quality of life. Recent studies have shown that insomnia has an important effect on promoting a variety of poor physical health outcomes including a link between being overweight and lack of sleep.
What To Look For In Acne Cures
You wake up one morning and upon looking at the mirror, you discover in wild horror that you have developed a few pimples overnight. In panic you cry, "Acne!" This would be a typical scenario among many households especially where teenagers reside. However, before reaching for a handful of over-the-counter acne cures, it would be beneficial for you to remember that not all cases of pimples are indicative of acne.
Nevertheless, if you have indeed acquired acne, the immediate and obvious manifestation of this is the occurrence of pimples. What then is the difference between acne and pimples? To some extent it is just semantics; most people use acne and pimples interchangeably. To be thorough about it, acne refers to the infection of the skin's pores brought about by the P. acnes bacteria. It is this bacterial infection that gives rise to the symptomatic pimples.
Factors contributing to acne
There are three distinct things that are happening which are contributory to the condition we refer to as acne.
First of all, the pores of the skin - and they are indeed numerous - gets blocked by the constantly sloughed dead skin cells. This blockage of the pores allows the oils of our skin, referred to as sebum, to accumulate. This build up of sebum is the second contributing condition.
The third factor, which is also the defining condition for acne is the infection of the lining of the pores by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. The bacteria are abundant and are largely a resident of the skin's microscopic ecosystem. It feeds off on the sebum and the subsequent infection of the pores results in the breaking down of the surrounding skin tissues, thus producing the dreaded pimple.
What acne cures should do
Knowing these three factors that allows the acne condition to exist and persist, the acne cure you should avail must answer these key areas on a point by point basis.
First, it must unblock the pores as well as prevent blockage altogether. Washing the skin with soap, helps to some extent as good hygienic practices are always advisable. However, the blockage is not easily removed due to the hyperkeratinization of the dead skin cells, bonding them closely together and making them harder to detach from the pore. Topical retinoids, such as tretinoin and adapalene and retinol, have a way of normalizing the way dead skin cells slough off and in this sense is an effective remedy for this acne causing factor.
Secondly, an acne cure should address the increase in sebum. Oily skin has always been seen as a precursor to pimples and acne. Hence, if the excess sebum is not addressed it is possible for the acne to recur. Too much washing of the affected skin, while it may address the need to remove accumulated oils, can also trigger an overproduction of sebum. Hormonal changes during puberty are the logical impetus for over active sebaceous glands that produce the sebum. Therefore, hormonal therapy may be helpful in this regard as well as proper hygiene.
Fighting off the bacterial infection is the third important aspect that acne cures must achieve. Here, topical bactericidals and antibiotics serve its purpose. Among the well known ingredients utilized for topical acne medications is benzoyl peroxide.
Most anti-acne solutions do not address all three factors that contribute to acne. Thus, doctors may sometimes prescribe a regimen consisting of a combination of acne cures. Handling acne is obviously a balancing act. Therefore consult with a good doctor to ensure that your fight against acne stands a good chance of success.
Nevertheless, if you have indeed acquired acne, the immediate and obvious manifestation of this is the occurrence of pimples. What then is the difference between acne and pimples? To some extent it is just semantics; most people use acne and pimples interchangeably. To be thorough about it, acne refers to the infection of the skin's pores brought about by the P. acnes bacteria. It is this bacterial infection that gives rise to the symptomatic pimples.
Factors contributing to acne
There are three distinct things that are happening which are contributory to the condition we refer to as acne.
First of all, the pores of the skin - and they are indeed numerous - gets blocked by the constantly sloughed dead skin cells. This blockage of the pores allows the oils of our skin, referred to as sebum, to accumulate. This build up of sebum is the second contributing condition.
The third factor, which is also the defining condition for acne is the infection of the lining of the pores by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. The bacteria are abundant and are largely a resident of the skin's microscopic ecosystem. It feeds off on the sebum and the subsequent infection of the pores results in the breaking down of the surrounding skin tissues, thus producing the dreaded pimple.
What acne cures should do
Knowing these three factors that allows the acne condition to exist and persist, the acne cure you should avail must answer these key areas on a point by point basis.
First, it must unblock the pores as well as prevent blockage altogether. Washing the skin with soap, helps to some extent as good hygienic practices are always advisable. However, the blockage is not easily removed due to the hyperkeratinization of the dead skin cells, bonding them closely together and making them harder to detach from the pore. Topical retinoids, such as tretinoin and adapalene and retinol, have a way of normalizing the way dead skin cells slough off and in this sense is an effective remedy for this acne causing factor.
Secondly, an acne cure should address the increase in sebum. Oily skin has always been seen as a precursor to pimples and acne. Hence, if the excess sebum is not addressed it is possible for the acne to recur. Too much washing of the affected skin, while it may address the need to remove accumulated oils, can also trigger an overproduction of sebum. Hormonal changes during puberty are the logical impetus for over active sebaceous glands that produce the sebum. Therefore, hormonal therapy may be helpful in this regard as well as proper hygiene.
Fighting off the bacterial infection is the third important aspect that acne cures must achieve. Here, topical bactericidals and antibiotics serve its purpose. Among the well known ingredients utilized for topical acne medications is benzoyl peroxide.
Most anti-acne solutions do not address all three factors that contribute to acne. Thus, doctors may sometimes prescribe a regimen consisting of a combination of acne cures. Handling acne is obviously a balancing act. Therefore consult with a good doctor to ensure that your fight against acne stands a good chance of success.
Say No to Trans-Fat
What are trans-fatty acids?
It is the common name for a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid(s). Trans fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.
Unsaturated fat is a fat molecule containing one or more double bonds between the carbon atoms. Since the carbons are double-bonded to each other, there are fewer bonds available for hydrogen, so there are fewer hydrogen atoms, hence "unsaturated". Cis and trans are terms that refer to the arrangement of chains of carbon atoms across the double bond. In the cis arrangement, the chains are on the same side of the double bond, resulting in a kinked geometry. In the trans arrangement, the chains are on opposite sides of the double bond, and the chain is straight overall.
The process of hydrogenation is intended to add hydrogen atoms to cis-unsaturated fats, eliminating a double bond and making them more saturated. These saturated fats have a higher melting point, which makes them attractive for baking and extends their shelf-life. However, the process frequently has a side effect that turns some cis-isomers into trans-unsaturated fats instead of hydrogenating them completely.
Before the invention of trans fatty acids, we cooked food with lard, palm oil, or butter, etc., which are high in saturated fat. Researchers found that saturated fat (depending on type and amount) increases LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) which may increase the risk of heart disease.
Therefore, manufacturers started to use the "healthier" vegetable oils in their food production. Because most liquid vegetable oils are not stable when exposed to heat and can go rancid easily, manufacturers began to "hydrogenate" liquid oils (a chemical process in which hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid and more stable) to help them better withstand the food production process and provide a longer shelf life.
Unfortunately, a side effect of hydrogenation is that trans fatty acids are formed. For years, a handful of us in the alternative health community screamed about the dangers, but to no avail.
Food manufacturers love hydrogenated oils because hydrogenation makes those oils thicker, creamier, and more appetizing to the consumer. Unfortunately, hydrogenation also saturates the oils' fatty acids, changing them into trans-fatty acids. Trans-fatty acids are the number one killer in our diets, and a major contributor to:
Heart Disease
Hydrogenated (and partially hydrogenated) oils are absolutely unnecessary and have no place in your diet or in any of the foods you eat. The number one dietary prescription is to totally eliminate all hydrogenated oils from your diet. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds. Food manufacturers have put them in almost every food they manufacture.
"Oh be quiet; trans fats are unsaturated and therefore safe," we were told -- until recently. Within the last five years or so, the scientific community has "discovered" the dangers of trans fatty acids despite the fact they're unsaturated and put them in the news. When partially hydrogenated vegetable oil was first used in foods many decades ago, it was considered safe and now that studies have demonstrated that partially hydrogenated oil is a major cause of heart disease, it should be phased out of the food supply as rapidly as possible and replaced with more-healthful oils.
Similar to saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) thereby increasing the risk of heart disease -- according to the cholesterol theory of heart disease. Some studies have also shown that a diet high in trans fatty acids may be linked to a greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Fully hydrogenated oil does not contain trans fatty acids. Instead, it contains more saturated fat.
Some authorities, at least those that work for the shortening industry, are still insisting that in normal dietary amounts trans fatty acids are not much of a health problem.
It is the common name for a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid(s). Trans fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.
Unsaturated fat is a fat molecule containing one or more double bonds between the carbon atoms. Since the carbons are double-bonded to each other, there are fewer bonds available for hydrogen, so there are fewer hydrogen atoms, hence "unsaturated". Cis and trans are terms that refer to the arrangement of chains of carbon atoms across the double bond. In the cis arrangement, the chains are on the same side of the double bond, resulting in a kinked geometry. In the trans arrangement, the chains are on opposite sides of the double bond, and the chain is straight overall.
The process of hydrogenation is intended to add hydrogen atoms to cis-unsaturated fats, eliminating a double bond and making them more saturated. These saturated fats have a higher melting point, which makes them attractive for baking and extends their shelf-life. However, the process frequently has a side effect that turns some cis-isomers into trans-unsaturated fats instead of hydrogenating them completely.
Before the invention of trans fatty acids, we cooked food with lard, palm oil, or butter, etc., which are high in saturated fat. Researchers found that saturated fat (depending on type and amount) increases LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) which may increase the risk of heart disease.
Therefore, manufacturers started to use the "healthier" vegetable oils in their food production. Because most liquid vegetable oils are not stable when exposed to heat and can go rancid easily, manufacturers began to "hydrogenate" liquid oils (a chemical process in which hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them more solid and more stable) to help them better withstand the food production process and provide a longer shelf life.
Unfortunately, a side effect of hydrogenation is that trans fatty acids are formed. For years, a handful of us in the alternative health community screamed about the dangers, but to no avail.
Food manufacturers love hydrogenated oils because hydrogenation makes those oils thicker, creamier, and more appetizing to the consumer. Unfortunately, hydrogenation also saturates the oils' fatty acids, changing them into trans-fatty acids. Trans-fatty acids are the number one killer in our diets, and a major contributor to:
Heart Disease
Hydrogenated (and partially hydrogenated) oils are absolutely unnecessary and have no place in your diet or in any of the foods you eat. The number one dietary prescription is to totally eliminate all hydrogenated oils from your diet. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as it sounds. Food manufacturers have put them in almost every food they manufacture.
"Oh be quiet; trans fats are unsaturated and therefore safe," we were told -- until recently. Within the last five years or so, the scientific community has "discovered" the dangers of trans fatty acids despite the fact they're unsaturated and put them in the news. When partially hydrogenated vegetable oil was first used in foods many decades ago, it was considered safe and now that studies have demonstrated that partially hydrogenated oil is a major cause of heart disease, it should be phased out of the food supply as rapidly as possible and replaced with more-healthful oils.
Similar to saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) thereby increasing the risk of heart disease -- according to the cholesterol theory of heart disease. Some studies have also shown that a diet high in trans fatty acids may be linked to a greater risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Fully hydrogenated oil does not contain trans fatty acids. Instead, it contains more saturated fat.
Some authorities, at least those that work for the shortening industry, are still insisting that in normal dietary amounts trans fatty acids are not much of a health problem.
The Indian Dosa, A Healthy Alternative
The Dosa, the South Indian delicacy is an integral part of the Indian cuisine. The Dosa is a delicious pancake made with rice and pulses and in some cases has a tasty stuffing too.
With the several variations that are possible, the dosa is a power packed healthy breakfast or snack idea for all ages. Starting the day right, meaning, with the right nutrition is very important, the dosa lets you do just this. A great way to taste and health, the delicious dosa.
The dosa is light on the stomach and is great for a good nutritious breakfast, a snack or even dinner. It is a rich source of proteins and carbohydrates. The plain dosa is made with rice and white lentil or the urad dal as it is known in the Indian cuisine. The rice and lentils are soaked for approximately 12 hours and then washed thoroughly. The ingredients are then made into a fine paste using water in the grinder.
Some of the traditional South Indian homes where dosa is part of the everyday menu use grinders specifically meant for the purpose. They then grind the batter in a large quantity to meet the entire week's requirements. Today there are even modern manageable versions of the huge grinders available. These table top grinders are both lighter and more easily manageable as compared to their heavyweight counterparts.
Coming back to preparing the dosa batter, the ingredients are made into a fine paste and adding salt left to ferment. Once fermented you can enjoy delicious dosa that are crisp, yummy and also healthy. You could also make dosas without fermenting the batter, they turn out delicious too.
There are several variations possible with the dosa. With a tasty potato stuffing you can turn the plain dosa into a masala dosa. Then there are the rava dosa, the healthy raagi dosa, adai ( which combines a variety of lentils with rice, a highly nutritious dosa full of proteins) and you can have a hundred more with a little creativity and experimenting with the stuffing.
The dosa is served with a variety of accompaniments like the chutney and sambar. Today most supermarkets and food stores stock readymade dosa and idli batter and so for a working couple or with anyone with very little time on hand too, making a dosa is possible with ease.
The dosa is a nutritious breakfast. You need to start your day right. A good breakfast that is both filling and nutritious can do you a lot of good. Seeing you through the day with ease. A good breakfast ensures that you are active and alert both mentally and physically.
With the several variations that are possible, the dosa is a power packed healthy breakfast or snack idea for all ages. Starting the day right, meaning, with the right nutrition is very important, the dosa lets you do just this. A great way to taste and health, the delicious dosa.
The dosa is light on the stomach and is great for a good nutritious breakfast, a snack or even dinner. It is a rich source of proteins and carbohydrates. The plain dosa is made with rice and white lentil or the urad dal as it is known in the Indian cuisine. The rice and lentils are soaked for approximately 12 hours and then washed thoroughly. The ingredients are then made into a fine paste using water in the grinder.
Some of the traditional South Indian homes where dosa is part of the everyday menu use grinders specifically meant for the purpose. They then grind the batter in a large quantity to meet the entire week's requirements. Today there are even modern manageable versions of the huge grinders available. These table top grinders are both lighter and more easily manageable as compared to their heavyweight counterparts.
Coming back to preparing the dosa batter, the ingredients are made into a fine paste and adding salt left to ferment. Once fermented you can enjoy delicious dosa that are crisp, yummy and also healthy. You could also make dosas without fermenting the batter, they turn out delicious too.
There are several variations possible with the dosa. With a tasty potato stuffing you can turn the plain dosa into a masala dosa. Then there are the rava dosa, the healthy raagi dosa, adai ( which combines a variety of lentils with rice, a highly nutritious dosa full of proteins) and you can have a hundred more with a little creativity and experimenting with the stuffing.
The dosa is served with a variety of accompaniments like the chutney and sambar. Today most supermarkets and food stores stock readymade dosa and idli batter and so for a working couple or with anyone with very little time on hand too, making a dosa is possible with ease.
The dosa is a nutritious breakfast. You need to start your day right. A good breakfast that is both filling and nutritious can do you a lot of good. Seeing you through the day with ease. A good breakfast ensures that you are active and alert both mentally and physically.
Why is Whole Wheat More Important?
Every year millions of people around the world jump on the weight loss bandwagon. Diets, fat burning pills, and infomercial exercise machines flood the market, hoping to entice as many people as possible with their promises of quick and easy weight loss. But in this world of weight loss confusion there is a question that most people over look; do you really want to lose weight, or do you want to burn the fat?
Even though you can argue that semantically those two terms mean the same thing they are worlds apart when it comes to having a healthy body. When you lose weight what you are really after is losing excess body fat because a high percentage of body fat is harmful to your overall health. You don't want to lose muscle mass, bone density, or even too much water because this can be detrimental to your health and fitness goals.
No where is this principle better described then in the downloadable ebook Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. This diet and fitness program is all about getting rid of all that excess fat you've been carrying around without affecting the overall health of your body.
Here are some "Truths" about the many weight loss programs that promise quick results.
1. Permanent Fat Loss – It's a known fact that nearly ninety five percent of all people who lose weight gain it all back and usually end up packing on more weight, in the form of fat, after they begin their program. The Burn The Fat system will show you how to avoid this problem through sensible diet and exercise and keeps your body in tip top shape.
2. Your Metabolism – This is your internal calorie burning engine. Nothing has the power to affect the amount of fat you carry around quite like it. Unfortunately many of the diets out there fail to take this part of your physiology into account. When your body becomes starved for calories its metabolism will actually slow down and it will begin to hold onto its fat stores while cannibalizing its own muscle for energy. There is nothing more detrimental to fat loss then having this happen because your muscle is your most effective calorie burning tool.
3. Weight Loss Supplements – The ads are everywhere, on the TV, in magazines, and the bottles take up large amounts of shelf space at stores all over your neighborhood. These miracle "fat burners" in pill form make large promises, but do they deliver? Most of them contain stimulants of some sort, usually in the form of caffeine, which do in fact raise your metabolism and suppress your hunger for a short period of time. Unfortunately you have to keep taking them because their effects are short lived, which in the long term can be harmful to your health because they do not provide your body with the nutrition it needs. In fact you can have a more permanent long term metabolic increase just by making some simple lifestyle changes centered on eating the right kind of foods and exercise.
The point of the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle system is that you will get out of it what you put into it. It is straight forward in its approach using time proven techniques that will show you how to lose fat and build a strong healthy body.
Even though you can argue that semantically those two terms mean the same thing they are worlds apart when it comes to having a healthy body. When you lose weight what you are really after is losing excess body fat because a high percentage of body fat is harmful to your overall health. You don't want to lose muscle mass, bone density, or even too much water because this can be detrimental to your health and fitness goals.
No where is this principle better described then in the downloadable ebook Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. This diet and fitness program is all about getting rid of all that excess fat you've been carrying around without affecting the overall health of your body.
Here are some "Truths" about the many weight loss programs that promise quick results.
1. Permanent Fat Loss – It's a known fact that nearly ninety five percent of all people who lose weight gain it all back and usually end up packing on more weight, in the form of fat, after they begin their program. The Burn The Fat system will show you how to avoid this problem through sensible diet and exercise and keeps your body in tip top shape.
2. Your Metabolism – This is your internal calorie burning engine. Nothing has the power to affect the amount of fat you carry around quite like it. Unfortunately many of the diets out there fail to take this part of your physiology into account. When your body becomes starved for calories its metabolism will actually slow down and it will begin to hold onto its fat stores while cannibalizing its own muscle for energy. There is nothing more detrimental to fat loss then having this happen because your muscle is your most effective calorie burning tool.
3. Weight Loss Supplements – The ads are everywhere, on the TV, in magazines, and the bottles take up large amounts of shelf space at stores all over your neighborhood. These miracle "fat burners" in pill form make large promises, but do they deliver? Most of them contain stimulants of some sort, usually in the form of caffeine, which do in fact raise your metabolism and suppress your hunger for a short period of time. Unfortunately you have to keep taking them because their effects are short lived, which in the long term can be harmful to your health because they do not provide your body with the nutrition it needs. In fact you can have a more permanent long term metabolic increase just by making some simple lifestyle changes centered on eating the right kind of foods and exercise.
The point of the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle system is that you will get out of it what you put into it. It is straight forward in its approach using time proven techniques that will show you how to lose fat and build a strong healthy body.
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle – It's About Losing Fat not Weight
Every year millions of people around the world jump on the weight loss bandwagon. Diets, fat burning pills, and infomercial exercise machines flood the market, hoping to entice as many people as possible with their promises of quick and easy weight loss. But in this world of weight loss confusion there is a question that most people over look; do you really want to lose weight, or do you want to burn the fat?
Even though you can argue that semantically those two terms mean the same thing they are worlds apart when it comes to having a healthy body. When you lose weight what you are really after is losing excess body fat because a high percentage of body fat is harmful to your overall health. You don't want to lose muscle mass, bone density, or even too much water because this can be detrimental to your health and fitness goals.
No where is this principle better described then in the downloadable ebook Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. This diet and fitness program is all about getting rid of all that excess fat you've been carrying around without affecting the overall health of your body.
Here are some "Truths" about the many weight loss programs that promise quick results.
1. Permanent Fat Loss – It's a known fact that nearly ninety five percent of all people who lose weight gain it all back and usually end up packing on more weight, in the form of fat, after they begin their program. The Burn The Fat system will show you how to avoid this problem through sensible diet and exercise and keeps your body in tip top shape.
2. Your Metabolism – This is your internal calorie burning engine. Nothing has the power to affect the amount of fat you carry around quite like it. Unfortunately many of the diets out there fail to take this part of your physiology into account. When your body becomes starved for calories its metabolism will actually slow down and it will begin to hold onto its fat stores while cannibalizing its own muscle for energy. There is nothing more detrimental to fat loss then having this happen because your muscle is your most effective calorie burning tool.
3. Weight Loss Supplements – The ads are everywhere, on the TV, in magazines, and the bottles take up large amounts of shelf space at stores all over your neighborhood. These miracle "fat burners" in pill form make large promises, but do they deliver? Most of them contain stimulants of some sort, usually in the form of caffeine, which do in fact raise your metabolism and suppress your hunger for a short period of time. Unfortunately you have to keep taking them because their effects are short lived, which in the long term can be harmful to your health because they do not provide your body with the nutrition it needs. In fact you can have a more permanent long term metabolic increase just by making some simple lifestyle changes centered on eating the right kind of foods and exercise.
The point of the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle system is that you will get out of it what you put into it. It is straight forward in its approach using time proven techniques that will show you how to lose fat and build a strong healthy body.
Even though you can argue that semantically those two terms mean the same thing they are worlds apart when it comes to having a healthy body. When you lose weight what you are really after is losing excess body fat because a high percentage of body fat is harmful to your overall health. You don't want to lose muscle mass, bone density, or even too much water because this can be detrimental to your health and fitness goals.
No where is this principle better described then in the downloadable ebook Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. This diet and fitness program is all about getting rid of all that excess fat you've been carrying around without affecting the overall health of your body.
Here are some "Truths" about the many weight loss programs that promise quick results.
1. Permanent Fat Loss – It's a known fact that nearly ninety five percent of all people who lose weight gain it all back and usually end up packing on more weight, in the form of fat, after they begin their program. The Burn The Fat system will show you how to avoid this problem through sensible diet and exercise and keeps your body in tip top shape.
2. Your Metabolism – This is your internal calorie burning engine. Nothing has the power to affect the amount of fat you carry around quite like it. Unfortunately many of the diets out there fail to take this part of your physiology into account. When your body becomes starved for calories its metabolism will actually slow down and it will begin to hold onto its fat stores while cannibalizing its own muscle for energy. There is nothing more detrimental to fat loss then having this happen because your muscle is your most effective calorie burning tool.
3. Weight Loss Supplements – The ads are everywhere, on the TV, in magazines, and the bottles take up large amounts of shelf space at stores all over your neighborhood. These miracle "fat burners" in pill form make large promises, but do they deliver? Most of them contain stimulants of some sort, usually in the form of caffeine, which do in fact raise your metabolism and suppress your hunger for a short period of time. Unfortunately you have to keep taking them because their effects are short lived, which in the long term can be harmful to your health because they do not provide your body with the nutrition it needs. In fact you can have a more permanent long term metabolic increase just by making some simple lifestyle changes centered on eating the right kind of foods and exercise.
The point of the Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle system is that you will get out of it what you put into it. It is straight forward in its approach using time proven techniques that will show you how to lose fat and build a strong healthy body.
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